Insert text

To insert text within the image card, first select the pose and click on Edit icon. Then click on Text tool, erase placeholder text by clicking Delete button on your keyboard, and enter your text in the text window. When you finish, click Enter on your keyboard or click on Select […]

Rotate element

To rotate an element of a pose first select the pose and click on Edit icon. Then select the element and grab it by a little blue circle at the bottom. Move the circle from side to side to rotate the element. Afterwards adjust the position of the element if […]

Reflect element

To reflect an element of a pose first select the pose and click on Edit icon. Then select the element and drag one of the sides across to reflect the element in the opposite direction. Adjust the position of the element if necessary. To reflect the entire pose use Mirror […]

Draw straight line

To draw a straight line within the pose image first select a pose and click on Edit icon. Then select Straight line tool and click on the spot where you would like your line to begin. Then click on the spot where you want the line to change direction. Continue to […]

Reshape a line

To reshape a line within a pose first select a pose and click on Edit icon. To reshape a line double-click on it and move little white squares (anchors) to form a line path and little blue circles to reshape the line between the anchors. Some of the existing lines cannot […]

Draw curvy line

To add any element to a pose first select the pose and click on Edit icon. Then select Curvy line tool. Click on the starting point and then the end point. To reshape the line double-click on it and move little white squares (anchors) and little blue circles to make it look […]

How to modify a pose

To edit a pose first click on it to select and then click on Edit icon in the top right corner. You can edit only one pose at a time. The Pose Editor will open. Hint: You can always get information on how to do different editing tasks by clicking […]

Delete Favorite (saved line)

If you want to organize and clean up your Favorites (saved lines), go to FAVORITES in the top menu. You can only delete your Favorites, not system-wide Favorites. To make it easier to find them, click on MY FAVORITES button. To delete a Favorite, first select it by clicking on […]

Sort Favorites (saved lines) by categories

If you want to organize and clean up your Favorites (saved lines), go to FAVORITES in the top menu.   To make it easier to see your Favorites, click on My Favorites button. To assign a category to any Favorite: Click on the line to select it. Choose a category […]