When you add a new event type to your schedule, you will have an option to make it an in-person or Zoom (online) event. To be able to schedule Zoom events, you will need to connect your Zoom account. To connect your Zoom account, click on the CONNECT ZOOM button. […]
How to import data from another health records system to Sequence Wiz
You can transfer files you generate in any other record-keeping system to Sequence Wiz. After you export your files from your current system, they will become static (uneditable). You will be able to view them but not modify them. Step 1. Create a Profile for your client. To get started, […]
Public Intake Forms
Collecting essential information about your new students is now easier than ever! You can quickly create a public Intake Form from a template and post it on your own website or the websites of other locations where you teach, add it to your email newsletter, or include it anywhere new […]
2-minute guide to Sequence Wiz
Follow this short video to get started with Sequence Wiz. Quickly add your logo, create a Student Profile, send your student a Form, and make changes to a Form template. For more detailed instructions, check out this longer video >
How to make a yoga sequence (quick guide)
In this short video, you can see how to use the sequence builder and get started on creating a yoga sequence. For more detailed instructions, check out this longer video >
How to make an Intake form
You can send an Intake Form to your student from their Student Profile. You can create your own completely custom form, or use our form template and adapt it to your needs. To customize the Intake form template, go to Forms in the top menu. Choose Intake Form from the […]
How to conduct a Personalty Assessment
For ancient yogis, chakras were potent energy centers along the main energetic channel of the body (sushumna nadi). This is where the secondary energetic channels (ida and pingala) are said to cross. The intersection of all three major channels creates energy concentrations that affect our functioning. When the energy is […]
How to conduct an Energetic Assessment
As part of a therapeutic assessment, we evaluate the movement of vital energy (prana) throughout the system. Prana is said to be the force that animates all living things. Prana is a manifestation of all energy. As humans, we replenish our prana through food, water, air, and experiences. Once we […]
How to conduct an Ayurvedic Assessment
The Ayurvedic model uses the concepts of qualities (dryness, lightness, heat, density, etc.) and their associated functions (mobility, metabolic activity, stability, etc.) to maintain and restore the individual’s health. According to the Ayurvedic model, those qualities and functions are represented within everyone in certain quantities and are part of our […]
School Hubs: How to assign trainees to different training programs so that they have access to different sets of files
In Sequence Wiz School hubs, you can assign your trainees to different training programs so that they have access to different sets of files. Step 1: Add new programs to the list of programs. Set dates for the program duration. Step 2: Assign your trainees to programs. Step 3: Assign […]