Here at Sequence Wiz we always strive to support our members, particularly at the time of crisis. Right now many yoga teachers find themselves out of work and low on cash. We have come up with a way to help you, while at the same time encouraging your yoga students to continue practicing yoga.
Your former yoga students are now cooped up at home, probably moving less and spending more time than ever in front of their screens. Their necks, backs and hips will be feeling it soon. Help your students feel better AND earn cash back for yourself by recommending our 6-week yoga series to your students.
Here is how it works. We currently have three 6-week video yoga series available for sale for $95 each.
You will receive a personalized discount code to offer 20% off to your students on any course, so your students will end up paying $76 per course. Out of those $76 YOU WILL RECEIVE 40% IN CASH ($30). We will simply transfer $30 to your PayPal account for every course purchase made using your discount code, regardless of how many courses your students buy.
If you would like to earn $30 in cash for every course purchase, please follow the steps below.
Step 1. Email us for your personalized discount code (please include your PayPal email address or Venmo account) to receive your earnings.
Steps 2. We will email you 20% discount code specifically for your students.
Step 3. Let your students know about this promotion via email, newsletter or social media and ask them to use your code at checkout. Please include description of the courses. You can get the description and links to the courses here:
- Yoga Series for Neck and Upper Back Tension
- Yoga Series for Lower Back and Sacrum Stability
- Yoga Series for Hip Tension and Butt Discomfort
That’s it! Once purchases are made with your discount code, we will transfer your share of earnings to your PayPal or Venmo account. You will get an email from us notifying you of the transaction.
This promotion is only available to current Sequence Wiz members.
Olga Kabel